The 16 best fitness apps for the Apple Watch

The sports & fitness apps for the Apple Watch are not only a useful addition for real sports aces but really for everyone. The versatility of the apps and sensors in particular make the Apple Watch a real sports watch. With the right apps, you can monitor not only your sporting activities but also your eating and drinking habits and pay attention to breaks or better posture and more exercise in everyday life. Let these apps inspire you to live a healthier and happier life and if you still need an exciting tip, please leave me a comment here.

MyFitnessPal for Apple Watch: fitness and nutrition

app for beginners My fitness pal is a great weight loss app. The app tells you how many calories you can eat each day and even differentiates between carbohydrates, protein, and fat. At the same time, it encourages you to move more because it counts your steps and can tell you how many calories you have burned.

LifeSum for the Apple Watch: nutrition app with water glass

counter To be fit, you also have to pay attention to your diet. This app is a real nutritionist and can count calories at the same time. With this app, you can easily monitor your eating habits and correct them if necessary.

The water meter app is very useful – after all, it is important to drink enough liquid for the body to function optimally.

My water for the Apple Watch: Never forget to drink

If you are thirsty, it is almost too late, the body is already showing signs of dehydration. Dehydration, even in very small percentages, can severely affect the body. Consequences are dizziness, headaches and difficulty concentrating.

You should therefore start drinking, especially before exercising, to prevent weakness. If you have drunk enough, your workout will be much better and more effective. The app reminds you to drink throughout the day and can also accurately determine your water needs. If you regularly forget to drink enough, this app is for you.


Seven for the Apple Watch: For fitness beginners who are looking for a quick workout

In just seven minutes to a fit body, who doesn’t want that? This watch app is especially good for busy people. If you want to treat yourself to a short workout early in the morning or in the evening, you’ve come to the right place at Seven.

In addition, the exercises can be done without accessories, purely with bodyweight, and therefore completely independent of location. The instruction is mainly via sound, the exercise is not animated, but is represented by an image.

Sworkit for Apple Watch – Advanced

Fitness Sworkit focuses on four different workout types: cardio, yoga, stretching, and toning. You can also choose which body region you want to train in a targeted manner or whether you want to train the whole body. With a timer, you can also set the desired time for your training.

The app shows you which movements you should do and notifies you when the exercise changes. This app is ideal for a quick workout at home.


Nike Run Club for Apple Watch – Nike Running App

Nike Run Club is, as the name suggests, a running app from the sports brand. It’s so good that every avid runner should have it on their watch. It shows all the information you need for running and also has workouts guided by well-known runners.

The mindfulness app works in cooperation with this app and ensures relaxed but effective running. In the Nike Run Club app, there are also many training programs for both beginners and advanced runners.

Runtastic (Adidas Running) for the Apple Watch – The most well-known running app

Runtastic is probably known to every runner and the app makes runners’ hearts beat faster.

After you press start, the app measures distance, time, speed, and heart rate. Not only does this work for running, but the app can also be switched for hiking, cycling, and other sports. With more than 170 million users, Runtastic is probably the most well-known running app. The app has belonged to Adidas since 2015 and was renamed Adidas Running last year.


Strava for the Apple Watch – No. 1 for runners and cyclists

Strava’s design is simple but very practical and uncluttered. The app was specially designed for runners and cyclists and is on the way to becoming the most popular app for endurance athletes. The display shows you the most important information about your run at all times and helps with training control with audio instructions.

Calm for the Apple Watch – The relaxation

app Calm offers simple meditation instructions, breathing, and mindfulness exercises. In addition, several good stretching exercises relax the body. The app helps you to go through the day relaxed. After getting up you can do a short calm exercise, a mindful walk or stretching exercise at noon, and a listening meditation in the evening.

Pacer for the Apple Watch – Pedometer with BMI and blood pressure monitor

Healthy weight loss starts with more exercise. Pacer’s goal is 10,000 steps a day. With this app, you can call up your intermediate status at any time and be motivated by the app. If you walk the prescribed 10,000 steps every day, you will automatically lose weight and live a healthier life.

Activity for the Apple Watch – moving, standing, and exercises

The Activity app has three goals. You should move long enough, stand long enough, and do enough exercises. Three rings help you monitor your progress. The app records how many steps you have taken and how long your exercises have taken. With this app, you can also look back on your activities and identify trends.

Workout app for the Apple Watch – simple and effective

This app is particularly user-friendly and clear and comes directly from Apple and is already preinstalled on the Apple Watch. In the app, you can choose between different activities. Choices include walking, running, swimming, workouts, and cycling. The workouts app is also suitable for indoor training at home. The app calculates calorie consumption depending on the type of activity and heart rate.

Fitlist for the Apple Watch – plan your training

With this app, you can create your training plans for the fitness center or at home. You can choose whether you want to get fit on machines or with weights.

The plans can be designed in a varied and exciting way thanks to the large selection of exercises. If you like, you can even think up exercises yourself and save them in the app.

SmartGym for the Apple Watch – for the gym

In the gym, beginners are quickly overwhelmed. The offer and the exercise possibilities are overwhelmingly large. SmartGym replaces the personal trainer and provides important assistance with over 250 exercises. All exercises are animated. As a bonus, there are ready-made workouts that you can simply select and copy.

Jump for Apple Watch – Move to the Music

This app is a real must-have for music lovers. She adapts the music to your rhythm, sometimes it’s faster and sometimes it’s slower. For an optimal music experience, you can specify your style of music and your planned type of movement beforehand. The app works with GPS and can measure your speed. The music is then adjusted accordingly by the app. This is how you learn to keep your speed better while running.

The app is also ideal for interval training. When she walks, she plays quieter songs than when she runs. If the title doesn’t suit your taste, that’s no problem. You can stop the song at any time and listen to the next one.

MySwimPro for the Apple Watch: Professional swimming

training The MySwimpro app is ideal for all swimming enthusiasts. It is very well suited for beginners as well as for advanced swimmers and offers all the important information about swimming. You can choose a ready-made workout or put together exercises as you wish. While swimming you can read all the important information on your watch. The display shows the next exercise, the time swam, the distance, and the heart rate.

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