Tesla car unlocks self-driving mode for US users

tesla car

With a new software version, Tesla car drivers can activate the FSD self-driving mode. But there is a security check before release. The US electric car manufacturer Tesla is in principle activating its software package for autonomous driving for all US users. With the installation of the software version 2021.32.22. It will be possible to … Read more

Wi-Fi 7: The following standard guarantees 30 Gb/s

SKIN DEBIT Semiconductor creator MediaTek just did the primary live show of Wi-Fi 7 and it's noteworthy

SKIN DEBIT Semiconductor creator MediaTek just did the primary live show of Wi-Fi 7 and it’s noteworthy Wi-Fi 7 as quick as Ethernet? That is what the up and coming age of customer remote systems administration guarantees: blazingly high paces – 30 Gbps – with a similar number of radio wires as Wi-Fi 6. found … Read more

Toshiba amends its rebuilding plan even with questions from its investors


The Japanese firm has been in trouble for quite some time. While its unfamiliar investors never again believe in the administration. Toshiba reconsidered its rebuilding plans by declaring that it would ultimately part into two rather than three. With this change, the Japanese aggregate desires to quiet the eagerness of its unfamiliar investors, with whom … Read more

US: the weighty bill for supplanting Huawei and ZTE


It could arrive at 5.6 billion dollars against 1.9 billion at first arranged. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the American telecoms police officer shipped off Congress on February 4 the receipt for the substitution of Huawei and ZTE hardware. It’s saltier than anticipated. Huawei – the United States, the epilog? A little flashback: toward the … Read more

Virtual Reality: The creation of new worlds

Virtual Reality

The media publicity encompassing Virtual Reality is gradually subsiding, yet the innovation remains. How might it change our regular day-to-day existences, and how potential treat glasses hold for organizations? Virtual Reality (VR) has become a ubiquitous topic, embraced enthusiastically across industries. And promising nothing less than a revolution in digital content consumption. The technology is … Read more

Microsoft’s HoloLens 3 should never see the light of day


The Redmond firm would have abandoned the development of its future mixed reality headset to focus on other projects. According to an investigation, Microsoft dropped the development of the HoloLens 3 over the past year to focus on other augmented reality and virtual reality projects. This information has nevertheless been refuted by Alex Kipman, who … Read more

How intelligent is artificial intelligence?

artificial intelligence

Robots that beat people at chess or computers that we can talk to – for many years scientists have been trying to artificially recreate the complex human mind. How far did they get with it? How intelligent is artificial intelligence? The research field “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) tries to imitate human perception and human actions by … Read more

The 16 best fitness apps for the Apple Watch

fitness apps for the Apple Watch

The sports & fitness apps for the Apple Watch are not only a useful addition for real sports aces but really for everyone. The versatility of the apps and sensors in particular make the Apple Watch a real sports watch. With the right apps, you can monitor not only your sporting activities but also your … Read more

iPhone 12 and 12 Pro: The differences

iPhone 12 and 12 Pro

Are you interested in the iPhone 12? Here’s what’s the difference between the iPhone 12 and 12 Pro. The iPhone 12 is here and it’s already one of the best smartphones currently on the market. What does Apple’s 5G smartphone have to offer? And how exactly do the specs of the standard version differ from those of the iPhone 12 Pro? That’s exactly … Read more